
Target Group in this project

Target Group

  • INES: by strengthening the research and teaching capacities of its lecturers in hazard and risk management. This will be done by training of 3 PhD candidates on related subjects. INES professors will be prioritized as potential PhD candidates. 1 MSc student will also be selected from INES tutorial assistants
  • University of Rwanda (UR) and Rwanda-Polytechnics: who will strengthen their research capacity and (inter-)national research network. This will be mainly done by contributing to the planned research and development activities as well as through their involvement in the supervision of the PhD candidates. 2 MSc students will be selected from UR and Rwanda-polytechnics tutorial assistants
  • The north partners: 3 MSc students will be selected among the north partners to conduct their research oriented to the project and this project will also allow north partners to strengthen their research capacities in a new context.
  • The Ministry of the Environment and its institutions (Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA), Meteo Rwanda and Rwanda Water and Forest Authority (RWFA)): through their direct involvement in the project, they will directly benefit from the research work carried out in the project as well as from the established collaborations.
  • The Ministry in charge of Emergency Management (MINEMA): Professionals working in the ministry will actively participate in national workshops organised through the project.
  slot pulsa

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